How we fund our work
Rainforest Foundation Norway is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), funded by private companies, foundations, public authorities and individuals.
FROG: A tree frog in the Colombian rainforest. Photo: Thomas Marent
By Rainforest Foundation Norway.
We receive multiyear, unrestricted or programmatic support from the following philanthropic foundations: Bezos Earth Fund, Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, Rainforest Trust, Ford Foundation, Good Energies Foundation, Climate Land Use Alliance (CLUA), Sobrato Philanthropies, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Rainforest Fund.
Our partnership with over 60 organizations in six major rainforest countries is secured through multi-year agreements with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad agreement), Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI agreement), and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through an agreement with the Norwegian Embassy in Brasília (agreement).
In Norway, our “Rainforest Guardians” donate monthly; other private citizens support our work with sporadic donations. We also cooperate with selected businesses, which provide valuable support and funding.

Increased funding needs
- Rainforest Foundation Norway’s strategy towards 2030 requires increased public and private funding
- We are in particular stepping up our efforts to access international funding from private and public donors
- We will ensure that we meet the criteria set by international financing mechanisms for climate and forest initiatives
- Our goal is for international funding to be significantly larger than the support from public sources Norwegian by 2030
Rainforest Foundation Norway has the size, credibility and long-standing network of local partners needed to deliver tangible results.
Join us to save the last remaining contiguous rainforest of the world.
Significant progress has been made on the international political level to protect the rainforests. With the 2030 strategy, Rainforest Foundation Norway expands its international role.
For more information, contact:

Nicolas Delaunay
External Relations Director
(+47) 457 39 480