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Read more about: Southeast Asia, The Amazon, Central Africa, climate, Rainforest Foundation Norway, human rights, consumer affairs, Norway's sovereign wealth fund and drivers of deforestation.
Rainforest collaboration between Norway and Indonesia back on track
Brazil elections: the rainforest, indigenous rights, and democracy itself on the ballot
First half of 2022 breaks deforestation record in Brazil
Nairobi Biodiversity Negotiations: Slow and Unambitious Nature Talks in Stark Contrast to the Urgency of its Purpose
Tremendous victory for Indigenous Pygmy people of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Deforestation up by 61% in Brazilian soy hotspot
The rise of Brazil’s Indigenous Women
The incriminating links between forest fires and Brazilian leather
Colombia: 14-åring drept på urfolkspatrulje
Rainforest Foundation Norway joins ethical supply chain initiative
New report: The world’s largest area with isolated Indigenous people mapped in the Amazon
Historic support for rainforest protection pledges calls for real action