Humanitarian crisis in the eastern DRC
Recent escalations of violence in Goma and its surrounding areas raise concerns about the stability of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighbouring countries. RFN is supporting our partners in the area, who have activated contingency plans amid safety concerns.

EASTERN DRC: From a local community forest monitoring training in Itombwe in the eastern DRC in 2020. The area is affected by the recent instability. Photo: Alexis Huguet
By Rainforest Foundation Norway.
The escalation of violence follows a decades-long conflict surrounding control of the eastern region of DRC, where the city of Goma is located. More than 1,5 million people have been displaced so far, while attacks in civilian areas, including hospitals, have killed thousands.
While Rainforest Foundation Norway's country office in Kinshasa has not been directly impacted by the recent escalations, our partners in eastern DRC, including in Goma, express concerns about their security. All partners in the east have activated their contingency plans following the capture of Goma and Bukavu. Our country office remains in close contact with our partners, supporting the implementation of contingency plans.
Deeply concerned
“We are deeply concerned with the severity of the humanitarian crisis and the potential effects on peace and stability in the broader region should the violence continue”, said Alexandre Becquevort, Director of Rainforest Foundation Norway's DRC country office.
“We urge national authorities, regional actors, and the international community to take urgent action to protect civilians and restore regional stability. Further escalations of violence could further impact the surrounding areas and hinder the broader region's development and environmental protection efforts,” said Becquevort.
For more information, contact:

Alexandre Becquevort
Country Director, DRC