Press statement
Norwegian support to Indonesia must spur further rainforest protection
Norway will support Indonesia with 65 million USD for its reduced deforestation, according to a statement from the Norwegian government today.

LOCALS: Locals navigating a river in the rainforest in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. Photo: Jon Storsæter/Rainforest Foundation Norway
Norway will support Indonesia with 65 million USD for its reduced deforestation, according to a statement from the Norwegian government today.
"The reduced deforestation in Indonesia is impressive, and we expect Indonesia to use this support to continue this trajectory," said Anders Haug Larsen, International Advocacy Director at Rainforest Foundation Norway.
Deforestation in Indonesia is currently at historically low levels. The new support comes as the newly elected government of Indonesia is being formed. The new government plans to increase food production in Indonesia and is now working on defining and allocating crop areas.
"This support shows how the international community appreciates Indonesia's dedication for green development. We believe that such support will continue if Indonesia continues to halt deforestation. A first step in achieving this is for infrastructure and food production to be established on already degraded lands, thereby preserving Indonesia’s valuable rainforests," Haug Larsen said.

Anders Haug Larsen
International Advocacy Director
(+47) 932 17 626

Kristin Rødland Buick
Senior Adviser, International Communications
+(47) 456 56 277