Rainforest protection and responsible investment
Using data on rainforests to influence investors: Our new Quick-Start Guide

This guide explains how investors can influence what companies do and how they act.
Rainforest Foundation Norway has been successful in making the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), adopt tropical deforestation as a priority issue in reducing climate change risk.
Big shareholders like the GPFG are uniquely placed to reduce forest destruction by exerting influence on the companies they invest in and how.
Designed for civil society organisations
In its efforts to get through to the GPFG and other institutional investors, Rainforest Foundation Norway has learned a great deal about how socially responsible investors make their decisions and how civil society organisations may influence the decision-making process.
In the hope that these insights may be useful for other organisations that wish to engage with the investment sector, Rainforest Foundation Norway has partnered with The Engine Room to produce a brief and basic quick-start guide to rainforest protection and responsible investment.
It is designed for civil society organisations that don’t know much about how SRI works, and are interested in trying to use the data they collect to influence investors’ decisions.
What the guide does
The guide is called "Rainforest protection and responsible investment: A quick-start guide to improving companies’ behaviour in rainforests by influencing investors".
The guide:
- introduces how socially responsible investors find and use information about rainforests.
- explains how investors can influence what companies do.
- suggests ways for civil society organisations to reach more investors, financial analysts and information providers.