Seca: The death of a river

In the heart of the Amazon, a catastrophic scene unfolds.

A mass collapse in river ecosystems spells disaster.

Communities are grappling with the shock of unprecedented drought.
The death of a river
Text/Photo: Vinicius Sasside and Lalo de Almeida
SANTAREM, NOVEMBER 2024: In the heart of the Amazon floodplain near Santarém, Pará, the rivers are filled with death.
The fetid, nearly unbearable smell intensifies with each step. The relentless swarm of flies heralds an unprecedented scene in this part of the Brazilian Amazon, known as the Amazon River floodplain.
A disaster unfolding
On the 11th of last month, fishermen from the Igarapé do Costa community—the same name as one of the region's watercourses, located very close to the riverine homes—began noticing a fish die-off that took on alarming proportions over the ensuing days.
Initially, the more fragile fish species like silver croaker, cujuba, and bacuzinho perished. Later, fish with high commercial value and popular consumption in the region, such as surubim, succumbed. Finally, the most robust and resilient animals, like pirapitinga and the giant pirarucu—a symbol of sustainable management in the Amazon—died.
The die-off later extended to other animals, such as alligators, turtles, and rays. Turtles agonizing in lifeless water had to be rescued and moved to puddles still resilient against the unforgiving heat and lack of rainfall. For several consecutive days, community members carried out this transfer.
About the series
In the fall of 2024, Rainforest Foundation Norway sent investigative journalist Vinicius Sassine and award-winning photographer Lalo de Almeida to document the human and environmental costs of climate change in the Amazon Rainforest.
The stories were originally published by Brazil's largest broadsheet newspaper, Folha de São Paulo.

A dead pirarucu amidst a mass fish die-off in the riverine community of Igarapé do Costa, Santarém. Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress
Devastating impact
The disaster impacting aquatic life in communities along the margins of the Amazon River claimed between 15 and 20 tons of fish just in the Igarapé do Costa area, according to estimates made by community fishermen.
Folha visited the community in November 2024 during the ongoing environmental tragedy. Extreme drought had caused the disappearance of lakes and streams connected to the Amazon and Tapajós Rivers. On the horizon, dense smoke from forest fires enveloped Santarém and other cities and communities.
In Igarapé do Costa, the lake is no longer, and the stream has become a mere trickle of water. The same has occurred with two other crucial watercourses essential for the livelihood of approximately 500 families in seven communities: the Pitomba stream and the Aramanaí channel.
A race against time
Fishermen were racing against time to catch still-living animals in the Costa stream, such as pirarucus. Days earlier, they dragged tons of dead fish and piled the organic matter at various points on the shore to set them ablaze. The carcasses remain there.
Further ahead, vultures and herons gather at the beginning of a large black-and-white patch in the water known as the Pitomba stream. The patch is formed by more tons of dead fish.
“In my 33 years of life, I have never seen anything like this,” says Erick Penna Ribeiro, president of the Costa Stream Residents' Association, who steers the canoe. He was born in the community, where he has always lived. Fishing is the main economic activity in the region.
"This is the year of death. Even our elders have never experienced anything like it," he says.
feeling that the die-off will continue, with new waves of massive fish
and other animal losses, is inevitable for those who look at the water.
Where there is water, fish are surfacing, gasping for oxygen, mainly catfish; bubbles are popping across the remaining water horizon. In a puddle resisting the drought, aruanãs are struggling in their pursuit of life.

Community leader Erick Penna Ribeiro navigates a canoe through a section of the Igarapé do Pitomba covered with dead fish in the floodplain area of the Amazon River, Santarém (PA). Photo: Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.
Searching for Answers
The day after the die-off was first noticed, two biologists visited the community, according to regional leaders. One biologist came from the Semma (Municipal Environment Secretariat) of Santarém.
Fishermen say the specialists theorized the deaths were likely caused by thermal shock and advised racing to fish the surviving ones. Rain struck the heated remnants of water, potentially causing thermal shock, they explained as a possible cause.
The account prompted mixed feelings among fishermen. The Santarém region suffers from an extreme, prolonged drought exacerbated by the dry spell. Despite this, fishermen from the Costa stream and other communities began hoping it wouldn’t rain, fearing new waves of fish deaths.
“This water is rotten. If it rains, another thermal shock could kill more fish,” says Erick, although he admits to not having precise answers for what actually happened.

Decomposing fish in the Pitompa stream. Photo: Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.
Awaiting Scientific Insights
The communities are waiting for scientific explanations regarding the die-off, but detailed analyses of the water or the deceased animals have not yet been conducted.
Genardo Queiroz de Oliveira, 50, is one of the biologists who visited the region. He works for Semma. “What happened was a lack of oxygen and elevated water temperature. The average was 32°C, while the acceptable is 28°C,” he explains. “When rain falls, it rapidly changes the water temperature.”
The biologist also states there is no chance the streams were contaminated by outside sources.
Contamination could be underway now, however, as the animals decompose.
“Last year, there were deaths, but not like this year. And it’s hard to predict. The drought over the last two years was unusual," Oliveira says.
When hundreds of pink river dolphins—boto cor-de-rosa, as they are commonly known—and tucuxis—a smaller species—died due to overheating in the Tefé and Coari lakes in the mid-Solimões River in Amazonas, there was significant scientific and federal government mobilization to understand and attempt to address the issue.
Local Assistance Amidst Catastrophe
Fishermen received assistance from the federal government—two minimum wages—to cope with the drought emergency, according to locals. They also receive the Bolsa Família and are registered for the defeso insurance, paid during the fish reproduction period.
“This drought was the greatest of all,” says Ednei José da Gama, 49, president of the Urucurituba council, encompassing the seven communities dependent on the streams where the fish die-off occurred.
“There have been other die-offs, but nothing of this scale. We need answers."
A Climate Emergency
The episode during the extreme drought of 2023 highlighted the severity of the ongoing climate emergency in the Amazon, caused by a confluence of factors: the prolongation of El Niño (above-average warming in the Pacific Ocean near the equator), the warming of the North Tropical Atlantic, deforestation and forest degradation, and climate change.
Now, the massive die-off of fish and other species at a point influenced by the Amazon River has yet to spark reactions from municipal, state, or federal governments. The riverine communities receive no aid, not even for dragging tons of fish to the shore, a task aimed at preventing foul odors and water contamination when the rivers and streams fill.
While writing this report, Folha questioned the Pará government and MMA (Ministry of
Environment and Climate Change) on whether they were aware of the situation
and what has or will be done about it.
There was no response.

Evidence of catastrophic drought is everywhere in the Santarem floodplain. Authorities will not answer how they will help alleviate the dire situation for the region's many fishing communities. Photo: Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.