Featured Stories

On this page, you will find in-depth stories and photos exploring life in the rainforest and the struggle to protect what remains of our planet's most vital ecosystems

DROUGHT: In Tefè, Brazil, the consequences of drought are evident wherever you look. Part of the special series Climate Change in the Amazon. Photo: Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress

Photo: Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress

Special Series: Climate Change in the Amazon

In the run-up to COP30 i Belém, Rainforest Foundation Norway are supporting investigative journalist Vinicius Sassine and award-winning photographer Lalo de Almeida as they set out to document the human and environmental costs of climate change in the Amazon Rainforest.

The result is a series of harrowing stories showing how drought, forest fires and illegal land-grabbing wreak havoc on communities in and around the rainforest.

The stories were originally published by Brazil's largest broadsheet newspaper, Folha de São Paulo.

Here, you can read them in English.

Photo Exhibition:

The Eyes of Xingu

The Eyes of Xingu presents 20 photos taken by young Indigenous and forest peoples from Xingu in Brazil. Through the images, these forest communicators present an artistic view of their world.

Other features and longreads: