Call for proposals: Evaluation of coherence of RFN’s NICFI Colombia programme

Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) is seeking a consultant/a team of consultants to undertake an evaluation of the internal and external coherence of RFN’s NICFI 2021-2025 programme in Colombia.

By Rainforest Foundation Norway.

RFN is one of Europe’s leading organisations in the work to protect the world’s rainforests and strengthen the rights of indigenous peoples, in cooperation with indigenous and environmental organisations in South East Asia, Central Africa and the Amazon.

The grant agreement Forest for People – People for Forest (Agreement number QZA-21/0047) is funded by the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), and administered by Norad, for the period 2021-2025. RFN implements the agreement with 17 partners in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, DR Congo, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, in addition to an international advocacy component. In Colombia, the NICFI programme consists of two projects implemented by two different partners: Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (AAS) and Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC).

Purpose and scope

The purpose of the evaluation is to map coherence, i.e., cooperation, exchange, needs and synergies between RFN and partners in Colombia, and among the partners in Colombia, aiming at more fully exploiting the potential for synergies within the NICFI programme and between the NICFI programme and the framework programme.

The evaluation covers the period 2021-2024, and will look at coherence between the NICFI projects, and among all projects in RFN’s Colombia portfolio.

Detailed Terms of Reference available here.

Timeline and budget

The final report should be submitted to RFN by end of January 2025. Data collection, analysis the draft report and the validation workshops should be delivered in 2024.

The maximum budget is NOK 200,000 including all costs.

The consultant(s) will be expected to make her/his/their own arrangements for accommodation, travel and office facilities during the evaluation. If necessary, RFN will assist with travel to partners in the project area.

Qualification and composition of the team:

The review shall be carried out by one or more consultants. The combined qualifications of the evaluation team shall as a minimum constitute at least five years’ experience on evaluation or work experience from working with civil society organizations at global, regional or national levels. Among the proposed teams, RFN will select the team that provides best value for money based on a consideration of:

  • to what extent the team is well suited for the task, emphasising in-depth expertise (including academic work) and the relevance of the specific technical expertise and experience of the team member(s), and
  • the costs expressed in daily fees.

When assessing the qualifications of the team, RFN will look particularly for the following:

  • Demonstrated research and evaluation skills including qualitative data collection and analysis
  • Experience from reviewing/evaluating activities of similar nature, including rainforest protection and indigenous peoples’ rights.
  • Good understanding of climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation
  • Good understanding of monitoring and evaluation, and results management as practiced in ODA-funded CSOs.
  • Good knowledge of the Colombian political, economic, cultural and social context.
  • Proficiency in Spanish and English

Consultant’s proposal

Candidates interested in submitting a proposal should register by 9 August 2024 to the following email address:

Candidates will be given the programme description and results.

Questions regarding the assignment can be submitted to and the answers will be shared with all registered candidates.

The candidates must submit the following:

  • CV of all consultants in the team, and a brief summary (maximum two pages combined) of their qualifications.
  • Proposed methodology, max 2 pages.
  • A budget for the evaluation, including daily fees based on 8 working hours per day. If team members have different fees, the expected division of labour between them must be indicated. Include any other costs necessary to carry out the review. Travel costs – if relevant – must also be included.
  • At least two references that RFN may contact.

Proposals must be sent to by 9 August 2024, marked with “NICFI Colombia coherence evaluation” in subject field.

Ines Luna Maira

Team Leader, Peru and Colombia Program
(+47) 452 48 654